Quality policy, Environmental Management and Food Safety
In SOL DE VALDIVIA understanding the quality management as the instrument through which the activities planned and developed so that compliance with the legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes is achieved, as it specification of our products and services , as well as the satisfaction of our customers is obtained by minimizing waste production and avoiding irrational consumption of resources.
To achieve these principles, we believe essential the implementation and development of a Quality System, Environmental Management and Food Safety for use in developing our activities adapted to the regulations in force in our industry, environmental regulations, the rules of food safety and needs and expectations of our customers.
The Quality System, Environmental Management and Food Security implemented is based and encourages the systematic application of the continuous improvement of all activities, meaning that continuous improvement as the need to plan thoroughly the activities to develop them according to what is has decided, check the results against planned and correcting when necessary initiating again the cycle of continuous improvement. To achieve and maintain this vision of quality and safety in our products and looking as main premise respect the surrounding environment, the following policy guidelines are formulated:
To achieve compliance with these principles of Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Management communicates this policy among employees and suppliers and made available to the public, seeking to maintain always high degree of staff involvement and stakeholders and related activities in pursuit of improvements.
To develop these basic principles, the Direction formulates each year, Quality Objectives Environmental Management and Food Safety specific to certain areas and / or activities that are always measurable and consistent with this Policy and the principles formulated in it, making monitor them for compliance..
Valdivia – 20 / 02 / 2019